Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Ides of March

Still got the problem with the common point of failure that no one seems able to fix. What I really can't believe is no one from the GS-14/Commander level is in the network area wanting to know when it will be fixed. We’ve made changes to the network topography that seem to help at the time but once the network gets busy again parts of it go down. I've stayed out of the way while watching the high paid Cisco certified technicians try to figure it out. These guys have worked on this stuff for years so there isn't much I can add. On another note, I'm taking tomorrow night off as I don't what to loose my comp day for all the furniture moving I did when I turn in my request for a seven month leave of absence. My chances of getting it approved are almost zero but at least this way I don't have to quit and be saddled with all the negative connotations. With only seven days left I'm really looking forward to the last train ride home from work.


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